It’s a bit morbid to think about who’s going to die in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 but it’s hard for me to not to think about it since:
- It’s director James Gunn’s last movie in the MCU;
- Actors like Zoe Saldana (Gamora) and David Bautista (Drax) have talked about wanting to do other types of films, and
- The somber trailers, which show lots of screams, tears and hugs.
The top five candidates to meet their end in GOTG, Vol. 3 are:
1. As much as I would hate to see the cute little rascal Rocket Raccoon die, the trailer makes it look like something ominous will happen to him. I hope not.
2. Drax is a top candidate because Bautista has seemingly been begging out of the franchise through various media outlets. He appreciates the role but it seems like he wants to play more serious roles—which I can’t blame him for.
3. Nebula is my top wild card. I really like the character but they haven’t done much with her backstory or character arc.
4. Like Nebula above, Mantis has been a peripheral team member, with limited character development, so she’s a candidate for sure.
5. Lastly, and least likely to me, is Gamora. One version of her died in Avengers: Infinity War. But an older version of her emerged in Avengers: Endgame. It’d be cruel to kill her off so quickly after her “return.” But I’m not sure Zoe would be against it.
Get your popcorn ready for May 4th.