With the official release date of Shazam ⚡️ fast-approaching, I am pretty excited. The reasons for my excitement range from the practical to the personal.
The Practical
Since Wonder Woman 👸🏻, DCEU films are on an upward swing, both critically and commercially. Wonder Woman still has a sparkling ✨ 93% Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 score while Aquaman 🔱 took in a whopping $1.15 billion at the box office! Not that Rotten Tomatoes is the end all be all, but Shazam’s current 93% score is comforting nonetheless.
The Personal (Family)
My children want to see it. Yes, my children want to see it! And it’s not just because I have indoctrinated them to like many things DC, Marvel or Star Wars, but because this movie really connects to their “Disney sensibilities.” More specifically, Shazam features one of their favorite child actors, Asher Angel, from the hugely-popular Disney television show Andi Mack. Even if this movie had been trashed by critics, it was going to be hard for me to sit this one out because of the kids!
The Personal (Myself)
If you know anything about me, you know that I am a huge fan of the 1980’s Superman franchise. The Shazam trailers bring me back to my childhood when the magic of seeing the late, great Christopher Reeve fly through the sky made me feel that anything was possible.
This Saturday, I look forward to feeling like a kid again. And I’m optimistic that Shazam will do just that.
I’m probably going to end up seeing it with the kids as just as family movie night. The trailers are amusing and have sparked my interest. But I always thought the shazam character was weak. But I’m an adult. As a kid I think that story line would be more appealing to me because what kid doesn’t want to be able to turn into a super hero. But I’m not going in there expecting much. DC movies are getting better though.
Yep. I think he’s truly a child superhero in the most literal since. But that’s the essence of what fantasy often is supposed to do; make us feel like children again. It’s why I still love going to Disney World. 😊