The more I’ve thought about it, the more potential problems I see with introducing Spider-Man at this juncture of the MCU. Don’t get me wrong: I’m still excited as hell to see him and I’ll be first in line to the theater, but having him touch down in the Civil War storyline has some really troubling consequences. Spider-Man’s big moment in Civil War is when he reveals his … [Read more...]
Is Captain America Civil War Too Ambitious?
With the recent announcement that your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would be swinging his way into the MCU, one has to wonder how this acquisition will shape the landscape of the Marvel's Civil War saga. The "Web" Effect For those who don't know: Spider-Man played a pivotal role in the comic book Civil War crossover, by first siding with Tony Stark's pro-registration … [Read more...]
Marvel: Don’t Make Us Angry. Give Us Planet Hulk
Maybe the most puzzling announcement Marvel has made is the one they haven't. Despite the flood of news they've given us about their phase 3 and 4 plans, and the addition of Spider-Man to the MCU, there's been nary a peep about everyone's favorite green rage monster. This is puzzling. Hulk is literally and figuratively a big deal, someone who finally came into his own in … [Read more...]
Spidey Questions
With the news that Spidey will be swinging back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe where he belongs finally announced, we can all stop saying how smart this move is and start wondering what it means, both for our friendly neighborhood webslinger and the current occupants of the MCU. Yes, it means that some stories can now be told properly and should improve the quality of the … [Read more...]
Spider-Man Is Back…Where He Belongs!
A picture (above) is worth a thousand words. In this case, you can keep the other 900-and-something of them. In what is my shortest post to-date, all I can say is that superhero movie lovers like myself and comic book geeks everywhere are rejoicing as if a global holiday has just taken place. Yes, our biggest dream has come true, Spider-Man is joining the Marvel Cinematic … [Read more...]