I am not sure whether the second Captain America Civil War trailer was the best comic book movie trailer that I have ever seen, but damn, it sure felt like it! Where do we start? The opening portion of the trailer starts off like previous MCU iterations, with an ominous musical score playing in the background, and a "location setting" shot without humans or heroes … [Read more...]
Wild Speculation on Marvel’s Phase 3 Updates
Earlier this year, Marvel announced a sweeping plan for their "Phase 3" releases that included nine films over four years. The plan was met with enthusiasm from comic book fans--it's nice to know that studios are confident enough in a genre/storyline to think that far ahead. It's also nice to know that Marvel has a plan. The MCU amended their roadmap expanding it even more. … [Read more...]
Top Ten Superheroes, by the Number$
With all of the comic book-inspired films that have come out in recent years, a question popped into my head last night. Who are today's top ten most popular superheroes? To answer this question, I did some digging, and came up with a simple equation that comprises a 1) combination of the latest comic book sales information via eBay and 2) the year-to-date, domestic U.S. box … [Read more...]
Top Ten Villains in Superhero Movie History
In ascending order, I rank the baddest bad guys in superhero movie history. Enjoy! 10. Nomak in Blade II (2002). Underrated superhero movie. Underrated supervillain. It's prequel Blade (1998) was probably the more well-rounded film. But Blade II was probably more fun. And Nomak and his vampire-like couture made it just that. We all know that titular characters are HIGHLY … [Read more...]
Not Another Raving Daredevil Review?!
Contributed by Coach K Now that I've finished watching all 13 episodes of Marvel's second adaptation of Daredevil (DD), I can safely say what I already knew by episode three--this show is incredible! Marvel/Netflix really nailed it with this one. Now, this is the Daredevil that fans have been waiting for!! I've always felt that there are less than a handful of … [Read more...]