A picture (above) is worth a thousand words. In this case, you can keep the other 900-and-something of them. In what is my shortest post to-date, all I can say is that superhero movie lovers like myself and comic book geeks everywhere are rejoicing as if a global holiday has just taken place. Yes, our biggest dream has come true, Spider-Man is joining the Marvel Cinematic … [Read more...]
From The Marvel Cinematic Universe To The Marvel Netflix Series Universe
Contributed by Rhen Miller As psyched as I am to see The Avengers: Age of Ultron take to the big screen in May, of all the upcoming Marvel projects, it’s the upcoming Marvel Netflix Series Universe, highlighted by The Defenders that has me most intrigued. And I say that despite seeing the original Ben Affleck Daredevil debacle in theaters. Thus far, the Marvel Cinematic … [Read more...]