It has not been smooth sailing for the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). From critical bombs to polarizing fan reaction, it's been a tough go for the DCEU, especially compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). However, all of this will not stop me from seeing Wonder Woman, on opening weekend no less! I count at least five reasons why Wonder Woman is must-see cinema, for me … [Read more...]
The Se7en Deadly Sins Of Iron Fist
First, let me start with the good of Marvel's Iron Fist. The Colleen Wing character steals the show. The actress has more screen presence and better martial arts scenes than anyone on the show. But other than that, I felt that this is one of the worst superhero entries that I have ever seen - on par with likes of Batman and Robin and Batman v Superman. Disney/Marvel has proven … [Read more...]
Iron Fist Is Good And Bad, But Not Ugly
Iron Fist (Danny Rand) has been catching a lot of heat from comic fans and critics alike. The Good The characterization of Colleen Wing is spot-on. She is a true badass and kind of steals the show at times. I'd love to see more of her in upcoming Defenders episodes. For those who don't know, I'm thinking a Daughters of the Dragon-like partnership perhaps? The … [Read more...]
Doctor Strange Was Really Good!
Yep, Marvel Studios has done it again! Doctor Strange is the latest (14) entry in the excellent Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). I haven't yet decided on where it ranks against the other 13 MCU films. But I think it is somewhere in or around the top five. What I liked most about this movie was that fact that it was not a "commercial" for future films. Sure, it had Marvel's … [Read more...]
How Strange Will Doctor Strange Be?
Ever since Doctor Strange was mentioned in Captain American: The Winter Solider, I have been geeked for this film. With the possible exception of the Guardians of the Galaxy, this promises to be the strangest Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie to-date. According to Google, the word strange has some of the following meanings: Let's start with the word unusual. Thus … [Read more...]