A picture (above) is worth a thousand words. In this case, you can keep the other 900-and-something of them.
In what is my shortest post to-date, all I can say is that superhero movie lovers like myself and comic book geeks everywhere are rejoicing as if a global holiday has just taken place.
Yes, our biggest dream has come true, Spider-Man is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Need I say more?
With the all important matter of getting the “face of Marvel Comics” back under the Marvel umbrella, can we get the MCU to absorb the Fantastic Four as well? Maybe I shouldn’t be so greedy and just bask in the glory of this glorious cinematic event.
I will post more on this in later posts this month. Stay tuned!
P.S. I hope Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao are taking notes in another long-overdue pairing that should have been made yesterday!
Word is that they are going to take him back to high school…again! The kid can never leave high school for too long. If this is the case, I would completely start over in terms of actors. Personally, I think that it’s better to have him in college working as a freelance photographer. I think it would give more opportunity for character development. I really don’t know what story they can do in a stand-alone movie that audiences would respond positively to. The writing (and acting) will really have to carry the film. So far, I’m skeptical b/c our memories are so fresh with the various Spidey films and characters used that it will be hard to come up with something interesting enough to captivate audiences. On another note, It’s too bad that BP is a casualty of the new Spidey flic. I heard his debut solo film has been pushed back.
SMH. To Marvel’s defense, they almost HAD to insert their flagship hero in ASAP. The unfortunate part is that they’re inheriting a recently tepid legacy of the Amazing one on-screen, at least the last three installments. I almost feel they’re better off doing him sans an “origins” or early view, but rather just inserting him into Civil War. But what do I know, I don’t make movies for a living?!
Me personally I would bring back Tobey maguire to play the character for a small 3-4 picture deal. He’s older but still looks young enough to play Peter Parker for another couple years . He’s a familiar face that audiences will know. He’s only 39-40. I know they won’t but from a marketing And audience recognition perspective it makes sense.
I am OK with that choice as well. But it’s kinda like a corporate restructuring, you know Marvel is going to want to bring in their “own people,” and that includes the cast, which I assume will exclude Sont characters, unless the fan demand is so compelling.
It’s about time! Personally, I think that Spidey’s been dragged through the dirt by Sony so much these past few years that it will be a challenge for the MCU to reinvent the character again in such a short time. Will mainstream audiences have Spidey fatigue? He’s very different from the other properties (e.g., Iron Man, Cap, Thor) that most non-comic fans were not too familiar with anyway. I think that this is part of the reason that Hulk never took off in the movies like Cap or Iron Man. Many people are already familiar with the Hulk, so expectations are high. Expectations will be very high for Spider-Man, and the MCU won’t have an excuse if it’s not considered a hit. Well, at least in the MCU’s hands, it shouldn’t be worse. Plus, we at least will get to see Spidey interact with other superheroes.
Amen to those sentiments Kimani. I’m with you there. I’m curious as to who they will cast however.My assumption is that it will be some to-be-named British actor! 🙂