- Batman 🦇 — The “Caped Crusader” has been depicted better than any superhero when you consider the popularity of the 1960s television show, Tim Burton’s two Batman movies, and Christopher Nolan’s splendid Dark Knight trilogy (2005-2012).
- Black Panther 🐆 — The untimely passing of uber-talented Chadwick Boseman is a sobering reality. However, he brought the warrior king of Wakanda to life on the big screen and will always be remembered as the quintessential T’Challa.
- Blade 🗡 — Similar to #2 on my list, Wesley Snipes brought a lesser-known superhero of African descent to the mainstream with the surprisingly successful Blade trilogy (1998-2004). The new Blade, Mahershala Ali, has big shoes to fill.
- Captain America 🇺🇸 — The Star-Spangled man was hardly on my radar as a child. He gained my attention in The First Avenger, but really grabbed a hold of it with Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)—still my favorite superhero movie.
- Daredevil 😈 — His inclusion on my list is totally tied to Charlie Cox. I was disappointed by Ben Affleck’s on-screen performance in the dull 2003 Daredevil film but Cox’s Netflix showing was so good that he’s rumored to reprise the role in the MCU. I’ll be on the lookout for that for sure.
- Iron Man 👓 — Robert Downey, Jr. helped birth the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Robert Downey, Jr. set the tone for the MCU’s sarcastic wit and tone. Robert Downey, Jr. defeated the seemingly invincible Thanos. Robert Downey, Jr. is Iron Man!
- Logan 🐾— With all due respect to Deadpool, I have to go with another mutant with sharp knives, ahem, claws as well as a healing factor to die for. Enter Old Man Logan aka Wolverine, who HAS to be on this list. His movie (Logan) of the same name is also one of my top three superhero movies of all-time.
- Punisher 💀 — I never knew why my college roommate loved Frank Castle aka The Punisher so much. I always saw him as a boring, powerless superhero who only shot guns. But after watching Jon Bernthal nail his portrayal on the Netflix series, I now know why my former roomie loved the character. And who has a better logo!?
- Spider-Man 🕷 — He was my favorite superhero as a child, and similar to Batman, has had many big-screen depictions. Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming are my two favorite Spidey flicks and Toby Maguire and Tom Holland are my two favorite Spider-Men.
- Superman ☀️ — In the 1980s, Christopher Reeve really made me think a man could fly. Like Boseman, he is gone but not forgotten, and will always be “my Superman,” with all due respect to the other actors depicting the Man of Steel.