According to Rotten Tomatoes 🍅, Quantumania is not a shining moment in the MCU’s history. It sits at a “rotten” 48% on their website. But the audience score of 84% shows that people seem to like the film. I think the movie falls somewhere in between.
My Least Favorite MCU Films
3. Black Widow (2021). The movie is not terrible by any stretch of the imagination. I just feel that it was released a bit too late based on the MCU timeline (after Black Widow’s death in Avengers: Endgame), that the action isn’t too thrilling, and the villains aren’t very compelling.
2. The Eternals (2021). The movie is a visual Marvel—you see what I did just there? All kidding aside, it looks great, introduces interesting new superheroes, and is one of the most diverse casts that we’ve seen in a superhero movie.
The problems: too many characters to develop effectively in one film; it moves pretty slow, and like Taskmaster in Black Widow, the villain here isn’t the greatest. In fact, the “villain,” by way of plot twist, is Icarus, formerly an Eternals team member.
1. Thor: The Dark World 2013). Surprise, surprise—and still number one/worst. The film lives up to its title, it’s dark. But other than that, and Loki’s occasional scene-stealing, the film lacks soul, but more importantly, lacks a great villain. For my money, Malekith is the worst villain in MCU history.
So there you have it, my least favorite MCU films. And nope, Quantumania isn’t it.