If you have read my previous posts and know anything about me, you know that Superman, Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are the three properties that have most impacted my geeky sensibilities.
Superman (1978)
This is the first fantasy/sci-fi movie that mesmerized me as a youth. I can remember it like it was yesterday.
Christopher Reeve really made me believe that a man, or Kryptonian at least, could fly. Were it not for this film, and it’s equally-enjoyable sequel Superman 2 (1980), I would not be a fan of superhero movies.
Thank you Superman.
Star Wars (1977)
I was too young to remember the initial 1977 release of Star Wars, but I do recall seeing it when it was re-released in theaters in 1980.
And the rest is history.
My siblings and I have been hooked on this movie franchise as well as its related content and merchandise, especially the original Kenner action figures, play sets and other assortment of toys.
Thank you Star Wars.
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Last but not least, I would like to thank Disney for acquiring Marvel, hiring Kevin Feige to oversee its movie universe, and casting Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man (2008)—to kick off the most successful movie franchise to-date.
23 movies later I have been hooked.
And for this too, I am thankful.