Two years ago, the superhero movie landscape was a very different place. Back then, Marvel was the undisputed king of the hill, but a little studio thought that they could upset the status quo by zigging where the MCU zagged. OK, so I guess it wasn’t that different. Regardless, what DC executives famously and publicly proclaimed to anyone and everyone who would listen, is … [Read more...]
Add Logan To Your Greatest Superhero Movie List
What a movie! That's how I felt immediately after watching Logan this afternoon at the local Alamo Draft House. I will not give away too many details about the film since it just dropped this week. But I honestly left the theater in awe. I have always felt the violence in previous Wolverine movies was tempered to appeal to younger audiences. You need not worry about this in … [Read more...]
What Is Going On With The Batman?
Unless you have been living under a rock, you are well aware of the questions and concerns surrounding The Batman. While the upcoming Justice League film may be more important to the overall success of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), The Batman is probably the more anticipated film. Ben Affleck It is well known that Ben Affleck is no longer directing the film. That is a … [Read more...]
Logan Looks Great But…
Logan looks great but I do not fully trust the X-Men movie universe. Don't get me wrong, Deadpool, X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past are great films. X-Men and X2 range from decent to pretty good. But I'd be foolish to ignore the forgettable X-Men: Apocalypse, the mediocre The Wolverine, and the awful X-Men Origins-Wolverine. The Good News The good news is … [Read more...]
Batman v Captain America: Which Movie Trilogy Is Better?
A few days ago I watched a clip that posed the following question: Better Trilogy: Batman or Captain America? It is a great question and one that I will attempt to answer. For my money, these two trilogies are clearly the best that the comic book movie genre has offered thus far. The best way I can think of coming to a verdict is by ranking the six films in ascending … [Read more...]