At the time of this post, we’re one-third of the way through The Falcon And The Winter Soldier six-part mini-series. And so far, it’s met my expectations. Disney+: Round 2 Coming after the highly-entertaining, but extremely weird WandaVision series, the more grounded world of Captain America and his rouge gallery of friends and foes is more up my alley. “They’re not … [Read more...]
Top Five Reasons To Get Excited For The Snyder Cut
Reason 1: “Streaming Is Like Breathing” We’re living in pandemic-affected times. Streaming has become second nature. Disney+ and HBO Max are required digital platforms for movie buffs and fantasy geeks alike. DC’s Justice League: The Snyder Cut naturally fills a void. Reason 2: “Studio Step Aside” We all know that studios often interfere with the production timing, … [Read more...]
The Thing That I Am Most Excited For In WandaVision?
Vision’s Redemption I don’t think I’m alone in feeling that Vision has been shortchanged in the MCU since his scene-stealing debut in Avengers: Age of Ultron. In the comics, he’s one of the strongest and most intelligent characters that Marvel has to offer, but the films have not done him proper justice. He starts off like a badass wielding Thor’s hammer in “Ultron” … [Read more...]
My Top Five Superhero Wishes For The New Year
I hope ... 🙏 5. Theaters Reopen by the summer in my area, so we can get our slate of DC, Marvel, Star Wars content back where they belong—in theaters. I really miss going to the local Alamo Draft House. 😢 4. Din Djarin doesn’t go! I’m hearing rumors that the Mandalorian titular character depicted by Pedro Pascal could be replaced. Let’s hope it’s not true. There does … [Read more...]
I’m Thankful For Superman, Star Wars And The MCU (Belated Thanksgiving Post)
If you have read my previous posts and know anything about me, you know that Superman, Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are the three properties that have most impacted my geeky sensibilities. Superman (1978) This is the first fantasy/sci-fi movie that mesmerized me as a youth. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Christopher Reeve really made me … [Read more...]